Thursday, September 28, 2006


My friend and mentor Charlie Johnson has begun a new blog. Charlie is one of the best Baptist preachers around and we are all hoping this new forum will give Charlie's voice a larger audience. It is a voice that needs to be heard.

I remember the first time I heard Charlie preach. I was in college and had been invited to speak to the high school Sunday School class at Second Baptist Church, where Charlie was pastor. Second B was the church I had attended as a boy before my family quit church altogether.

When I arrived at Second B my most consistent adult experience of church had been the seeker service kind. Some praise songs that got us all in the mood and then a very "relevant" sermon - usually with three points, illustrating the three "principles" we could all take home from the scripture.

Charlie's preaching was entirely different. He didn't preach a how-to sermon. Instead his preaching was more a kind of unleashing. Whereas so many others preach about the gospel, Charlie understood that the preaching act itself is in fact part of the gospel. For the first time I realized that to proclaim the Gospel is to let loose the power of God which first spoke life into the world. "Let there be..."